Raise: A Celebration of Giving
Raise is a charitable movement encouraging students to adopt a positive approach towards deliberate, effective giving. Check out our chapter websites to learn more about what we do.
people protected
Our philosophy
Our Philosophy
Can you remember the last time you gave to charity? Perhaps you bought something at a bake sale? Or sponsored a friend running a marathon?
These days, opportunities for us to do good through giving are everywhere.
But it's much rarer that we stop and think about giving. Most of these opportunities either hide the act of giving from view - so we don't even notice it's happening - or push us to give only when we're directly asked.
At Raise, we think that's a real missed opportunity.
We believe that when we pause to think about our giving, the experience can be incredibly rewarding.
When we properly consider why we are giving and the impact our money will have - in short, when we give deliberately - we can really appreciate how positive donating to charity can be.
This way, giving becomes more meaningful, enjoyable, sustainable and ultimately more impactful.
How does Raise work?
We invite students and young professionals to join us and celebrate the end of the academic year by making a personally significant donation to charity - an amount that will make you think about what and why you are giving.
It took me a long time to decide to join Raise - I'd never given that much before - but when I finally donated, I saw our incredible impact and it really made donating an amazing positive experience.
Chloe Shieh, Donor

Then, at the end of the academic year, we come together as a community for our Summer Party. It's a time when we can reflect on and celebrate our impact, while enjoying the end of the year with a wonderful group of people.

It was at the Summer Party that I really appreciated just how powerful the idea of giving positively and deliberately can be. Everyone was having a great time, energised by the collective knowledge that together we'd done something incredible.
Elena Caspall, Donor

Our vision
Our hope is that through making a personally significant donation and then coming together to celebrate that, you'll be able to see the huge impact giving effectively can have and come to feel as positive about it as we do.
Ultimately, we want to change the culture around charity. We want charity to be something that is actively embraced and enjoyed, and a meaningful part of all of our lives.
Raise really changed the way I approach giving. It's made me want to make deliberate giving a permanent part of my life even now I've graduated so, after joining Raise, I decided to donate 10% of my income to effective charities every year.
I never really used to think about giving to charity, but I loved joining Raise and I now can't wait to donate again in the future.
Jake Mendel, Donor

So, however you've chosen to give before, why not join Raise this year and see how charity can become a meaningful and positive part of all of our lives.
P.S. Want to get to know us more? Check out testimonies from our community yearbook or watch our founder's TEDx Talk, 'Rethinking Celebration: The Positive Case for Giving', which talks all about our feel-good philosophy!